Solve Now: Final 2024 BECE English Language Mock Questions Released

Final 2024 BECE English Language Mock Questions Released
With the BECE starting on Monday, we have released our Final 2024 BECE English Language Mock Questions. The 2024 examination for the English language is expected to be exciting with the introduction of a summary in Section B. However, many students at the JHS level find summarizing challenging and are encouraged to revise.
Candidates should pay close attention to the following:
The Final 2024 BECE English Language Mock Questions
This paper consists of three parts: A, B, and C. Answer three questions in all: one question from Part A and all the questions in Part B and Part C. Answer all the questions in your answer booklet.
Answer one question only from this part. Your composition should be about 250 words long. Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material.
- Write a letter to your friend who now has a public library in his or her community and explain three reasons why he or she must use the library.
- Write an article for your school magazine on the topic, “The Role of Technology in Modern Education.”
- Write a story that begins with “As soon as the sun rose, I knew it was going to be…”
- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it: It all started as a joke. Kofi, who was born and bred along the coast, was posted to a small town in the forest area of the country where he met other young graduates. When they were not working, they spent much time together eating, sharing stories about past experiences, and teasing one another.
During one of these interactions, Kofi boasted that his father was a renowned fisherman and that he, since childhood, had been accompanying him on his fishing trips. This revelation excited his colleagues, who encouraged him and even pleaded with him to go fishing to supply them with fresh fish. When he said that he did not have a fishing net, it was suggested that he could borrow one from a local fisherman. But Kofi replied, “No, I don’t fish with ordinary nets. Wait until we are paid, then I’ll go home for my special net.” Despite his resistance, his colleagues persisted, and he was compelled to give in. The die was cast. With no way to wriggle out of the tight corner he found himself in, he agreed to go with one of the local fishermen.
That night, Kofi lay in bed tossing and turning. Why had he lied that he could fish? Should he tell his colleagues the truth? What would they think of him? Well, he had brought this upon himself and must face the music.
On the way to the river, the fisherman asked him questions about where he used to fish and the types of fish he caught. Kofi mumbled inaudible and evasive answers. The fisherman’s suspicions heightened when he noticed how Kofi handled the fishing net. When they reached a part of the river where a small boat was tied, the fisherman told Kofi that they had to go their separate ways and meet back at the shore at dawn. On hearing this, Kofi began to sob uncontrollably and trembled like a leaf in a storm. He decided to confide in the fisherman, who listened silently, nodding his head. They spent the night fishing together, the fisherman catching the fish while Kofi helped to haul them into the boat. Before they left the river, the fisherman gave him more than half of the catch.
Kofi’s colleagues could not believe their eyes when they saw the quantity of fish he brought home. When they asked him to tell them the details of the night’s activities, Kofi shook his head and said, “That is a fisherman’s secret.”
- What two lies did Kofi tell his friends?
- How did Kofi feel the night before the fishing trip?
- How do you think Kofi felt after confiding in the fisherman?
- Give an adjective to describe the fisherman.
- “That is the fisherman’s secret.” What was the secret?
- For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same and can replace it as used in the passage: i) bred ii) revelations iii) compelled iv) heightened v) uncontrollably
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it:
Railways have been a vital part of Ghana’s transportation network for decades. They facilitate the movement of people and goods across the country, contributing significantly to economic growth. Unfortunately, the railway system in Ghana faces numerous challenges, including inadequate infrastructure and insufficient funding.
The benefits of a well-functioning railway system are immense. It provides an affordable and efficient means of transporting large quantities of goods, which can boost trade and commerce. Railways also reduce the pressure on road networks, decreasing traffic congestion and road maintenance costs. Additionally, a robust railway system can create employment opportunities for many Ghanaians, from construction to operations.
However, several factors hinder the development of Ghana’s railway system. Corruption and mismanagement of funds allocated for railway projects lead to delays and substandard work. There is also a lack of investment in modern technology and maintenance, causing the existing infrastructure to deteriorate. Furthermore, political instability and changing government policies disrupt long-term planning and consistent progress.
Despite these challenges, revitalizing Ghana’s railway system is essential. With proper investment, management, and maintenance, the railway can significantly contribute to the nation’s development, providing reliable transportation and supporting economic growth.
Summary Questions:
- Write a suitable title for the passage.
- In three sentences, summarize three benefits of a well-functioning railway system.
- In three sentences, summarize three problems that impede the development of Ghana’s railway system.
Note that your BECE English language paper will follow this Final Mock for the 2024 BECE English Language paper.
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