
Report card grading, student conduct examples, attitudes, and interests for teachers


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The samples are available for teachers to use or alter to fit the needs of each student or learner in their class. These examples continue to be a priceless resource on this portal and have aided numerous teachers in the past. To make it simpler for teachers to fill up their report card entries, the post also includes grade boundaries for primary and Junior High.

Teachers will find the suggestions made here useful.

Grading Boundaries for Primary Schools

A – 80-100 = Excellent

B – 70-79 = Very Good

C – 60-69 = Good

D – 45-59 = Pass

E – 35-44 = Weak

F – 35 and below = Very weak

Grading boundaries for Junior High School

1 – 90-100 = Highest

2 – 80-89 = Higher

3 – 70-79 = High

4 – 60-69 = High Average

5 – 55-59 = Average

6 – 50-54 = Low Average

7 – 40-49 = Low

8 – 30-39 = Lowest

9 – 00-34 = Fail

Attitude comments are keywords teachers can use to complete their reports. This helps describe the learner per the teacher’s knowledge within the school environment.

  1. Hard-working
  2. Not serious in class
  3. Dependable
  4. Lazy
  5. Slow
  6. The student:
  • is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school.
  • exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom.
  • appears well-rested and ready for each day’s activities.
  • shows enthusiasm for classroom activities.
  • shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved.
  • uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
  • strives to reach their full potential.
  • is committed to doing his or her best.
  • Positive and enthusiastic learner: The student is always eager to learn new things and participates actively in class discussions.
  • Willing to participate in class discussions: The student is always willing to share their thoughts and ideas in class discussions, even if they are different from the majority.
  • Genuine interest in the subject matter: The student shows a genuine interest in the subject matter by asking thoughtful questions and volunteering to do extra work.
  • Eager to learn new things: The student is always eager to learn new things and is not afraid to ask for help when they need it.
  • Open to feedback and criticism: The student is open to feedback and criticism and is willing to use it to improve their work.
  • Willing to help others: The student is always willing to help others, even if it means taking time away from their own work.
  • Respectful of teachers and classmates: The student is respectful of teachers and classmates and treats everyone with kindness and consideration.

Interest comments are keywords teachers can use to complete their reports. These demonstrate the areas of interest of the learner

  1. Artwork
  2. Music
  3. Sports
  4. Subject specifics – eg Mathematics
  5. Drumming
  6. Singing
  7. Science and Mathematics
  8. Group activities
  9. Particularly interested in [topic]: The student is particularly interested in [topic] and has a strong understanding of the material.
    • Asks thoughtful questions about [topic]: The student asks thoughtful questions about [topic] that show they are thinking critically about the material.
    • Volunteers to do extra work on [topic]: The student volunteers to do extra work on [topic] because they are interested in learning more about it.
    • Shows a strong understanding of [topic]: The student shows a strong understanding of [topic] by answering questions correctly and being able to apply what they have learned to new situations.
    • Is able to apply what they have learned about [topic] to other areas: The student is able to apply what they have learned about [topic] to other areas, such as writing or problem-solving.
    • Is passionate about [topic]: The student is passionate about [topic] and talks about it with enthusiasm.
  10. Conduct:
  • Well-behaved student in class: The student is a well-behaved student in class and follows classroom rules and procedures.
  • Follows classroom rules and procedures: The student follows classroom rules and procedures without being reminded.
  • Organized and prepared for class: The student is organized and prepared for class, and always has their materials ready.
  • Completes assignments on time and to the best of their ability: The student completes assignments on time and to the best of their ability, even if they are challenging.
  • Respectful of the property of others: The student is respectful of the property of others and takes care of their belongings.
  • Is a positive role model for other students: The student is a positive role model for other students and sets a good example.

Conduct comments keywords teachers can use to complete their reports 

  1. Respectful
  2. Humble
  3. Calm
  4. Approachable
  5. Helpful
  6. Bully
  7. Truant
  8. Stubborn
  9. Disrespectful
  10. Well-behaved student in class: The student is a well-behaved student in class and follows classroom rules and procedures.
  11. Follows classroom rules and procedures: The student follows classroom rules and procedures without being reminded.
  12. Organized and prepared for class: The student is organized and prepared for class, and always has their materials ready.
  13. Completes assignments on time and to the best of their ability: The student completes assignments on time and to the best of their ability, even if they are challenging.
  14. Respectful of the property of others: The student is respectful of the property of others and takes care of their belongings.
  15. Is a positive role model for other students: The student is a positive role model for other students and sets a good example.
  16. Other comments are keywords teachers can use to complete their reports:

Keep it up

Has improved

Could do better

More room for improvement

the student:

  • cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students.
  • transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction.
  • is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom.
  • follows classroom rules.
  • conducts themselves with maturity

The teacher should elaborate on these students’ report card grades, student attitudes, interests, and conduct examples in order to help parents understand the precise information.


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