
Projected Questions: 2024 WASSCE Food and Nutrition Final


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Food and Nutrition Paper Schedule

  • Date: 28th August 2024
  • Duration: 2 hours (Paper 2 followed by Paper 1 with a break interval)
  • Total Marks for Paper 2: 40 marks
  • Questions to Answer: 4 questions

Food and Nutrition is a subject where you can easily score an ‘A1’. However, it can be challenging for some candidates, so it’s important to prepare well. Here are the final projected questions for the Food and Nutrition paper. Candidates are advised to review and solve these questions with their colleagues to ensure they are well-prepared.

Projected Questions for WASSCE Food and Nutrition

  1. Importance of Beverages in Diet
    • Mention five importance of beverages in diet.
  2. Uses of Napkins
    • What are some three uses of napkins at the table?
  3. Service Types
    • What are four differences between buffet service and cocktail service?
  4. Factors Affecting Food Habits
    • Discuss four major factors that affect the formation of food habits.
  5. Flatware Examples
    • List three examples of flatware.
  6. Importance of Cooking Food
    • Mention five importance of cooking food.
  7. Preservatives
    • Explain the term ‘preservative’.
  8. Ingredients for Coating Batter
    • Mention the basic ingredients for a coating batter.
  9. Batter Types
    • What is the difference between a coating and a pouring batter?
  10. Equipment for Packed Meals
    • List five equipment required for packed meals.
    • Give a use for each equipment listed.
  11. Hygienic Practices in the Kitchen
    • Highlight nine hygienic practices in the kitchen.
  12. Kitchen Hygiene Rules
    • Mention five rules associated with kitchen hygiene.
  13. Raising Agent in Batters
    • What is the main raising agent in batters?
  14. Serving Fruits
    • Identify five ways of serving fruits.
  15. Food Preparation vs. Cooking
    • Distinguish between food preparation and cooking.
  16. Planning Packed Meals
    • Mention three factors to consider when planning packed meals.
  17. Advantages of a Well-Planned Kitchen
    • Mention four advantages of a well-planned kitchen.
  18. Kitchen Layouts
    • Sketch and label two types of kitchen layouts.
  19. Alcoholic vs. Non-Alcoholic Beverages
    • Mention three differences between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
  20. Tea Preparation Principle
    • Discuss the principle underlying tea preparation.

Advice to Candidates: Take time to understand each question and practice writing concise, clear answers. Reviewing these questions with your peers can help you identify any gaps in your knowledge and improve your confidence before the exam. Good luck!


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