
GES Introduces Biometric Attendance Monitoring to Combat Absenteeism and Enhance Attendance

Improving students success through teacher accountability


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The Ghana Education Service (GES) is reintroducing biometric devices to monitor teachers’ attendance, a move aimed at addressing absenteeism and promoting accountability in schools. The initiative was first announced in 2022, and utilizes clock-in and clock-out technology, requiring teachers to register their arrival and departure times through biometric verification.

The initiative seeks to improve teacher punctuality and presence in the classroom, ultimately enhancing learning outcomes. By installing these devices in schools, the GES hopes to streamline attendance tracking and ensure that educators are consistently available to students.

However, concerns surround the system’s potential implications. Teachers have voiced worries about privacy issues, data security, and the risk of mismanagement. Moreover, the reliability of the technology in remote or under-resourced schools remains uncertain, particularly in areas with limited connectivity.

The introduction of biometric monitoring marks a significant shift in teacher attendance management, potentially reshaping the relationship between educators and administrators. As the project unfolds, its impact on the education sector and teacher responses will be closely watched.

Photos of installed devices suggest the project may be entering its rollout phase, although the GES has yet to provide an official update. The success of this initiative hinges on how teachers and administrators adapt to these changes, sparking important questions about its effects on daily routines and professional autonomy.

For teachers, the introduction of such technology raises important questions about its impact on daily routines and professional autonomy. Will this improve accountability or will it create new challenges? This development invites conversation among teachers.

The emergence of photos showing the devices installed in a school suggests that the project might be entering its rollout phase, though the GES has yet to issue an official update. As the initiative unfolds, it will be interesting to see how it affects the education sector and the responses it elicits from teachers.

Some educators view this move as a progressive step toward streamlining attendance tracking, while others are skeptical. Ensuring that teachers are consistently present in the classroom is critical to improving learning outcomes, and this initiative could play a key role in addressing the issue that has long affected the quality of education delivery in Ghana since 2022.

Source: GossipMotion.com

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