
No salary increment for Public Sector workers Headlines An Old File – Israel Laryea


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Renowned broadcaster Israel Laryea has debunked a recent screenshot claiming there will be no salary increment for public sector workers in 2025.

The screenshot, which originated from a 2021 Joy News report, addressed the government’s financial constraints due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to limited wage increases for public sector workers.

However, contrary to the outdated screenshot, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is set to begin salary negotiations with the new government. The Ministry of Labour will oversee the negotiations, which are expected to commence shortly.

The TUC’s proactive engagement with government stakeholders signifies serious intent to secure wage increases. As the negotiations unfold, workers are encouraged to verify news reports and rely on trusted sources for updates on salary negotiations.

In fact, as of January 2024, public sector workers received a 23% base pay increment, and the minimum wage was increased by 22%. This development has brought optimism among public sector workers for a positive outcome in the upcoming salary negotiations.

Source: GossipMotion.com

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