
9 Districts in Ashanti top underage sexual activity – GSS study


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A recent study conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) has revealed that nine districts in the Ashanti Region have the highest rates of underage sex among females.

The study, which was funded by UNICEF in partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency and USAID, utilized small area estimation to generate district estimates of indicators available from the 2022 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey.

According to the report, adolescent girls aged 16 to 19 had sex before the age of 16 years. The districts with the highest rates of underage sex are Akrofuom, Amansie South, Amansie Central, Amansie West, Adansi Asokwa, Adansi South, Asante Akim South Municipality, Bosome Freho, and Ahafo Ano South East.

The study also found that all 10 districts with the highest percentage of adolescent boys engaging in underage sex were in the Eastern Region. Approximately one in every three adolescent boys aged 16 to 19 had sex before 16 years.

In addition, the report revealed that districts in the Bono and Western North regions had districts in the top 10 with the highest prevalence of multiple sexual partners among adolescent girls.

Similarly, all districts except one in the top 10 that recorded the highest rate of multiple sexual partnerships among adolescent boys were in the Oti Region.

The report’s findings highlight the need for targeted interventions to address the issue of underage sex and multiple sexual partnerships among adolescents in Ghana.

Source: GossipMotion.com

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