
NaCCA: Transforming Inclusivity in Education from Slogan to Reality

Commitment to Genuine Inclusion in Ghana's Educational Reforms


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Mr. Mathew Owusu, the Deputy Director General of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), emphasized that inclusivity in education should transcend being a mere slogan and become a tangible reality. He noted that the Ministry of Education has established a Ministerial Oversight Committee, which convenes regularly to deliberate on the new education curriculum. This committee is committed to the genuine implementation of inclusive education in Ghana.Mr. Owusu made these remarks during a meeting of the NaCCA Inclusive Education Expert Advisory Panel, which convened to review the progress of inclusive education within the framework of the Secondary Education Reform. As part of this reform, NaCCA is collaborating with stakeholders to ensure that the new secondary school curriculum is accommodating and suitable for learners with special education needs.Mr. Owusu highlighted that the new Senior High School (SHS) curriculum introduces a degree of flexibility, allowing students to choose subjects outside their primary area of study. “For instance, a science student can opt to take a course in business management if they have an interest in that field,” he explained.

He further emphasized that the reforms prioritize subject selection over program selection. He called on stakeholders and the public to support individuals with disabilities within the educational system, stressing the importance of collective support to ensure their success.

Source: GossipMotion.com

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