
Dear teachers, let me tell you a long story-Lead At Informed Teachers Network


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Today, we have an important message for all newly qualified teachers. We’re diving into a topic that isn’t just tech-related but touches on the real-life struggles of our hardworking educators. If you’re new to the teaching profession, this story is for you. Let’s talk about salary cuts and how to navigate them.

WATCH THIS: Teachers Advised Against Using Their Affordability to Secure Loans for Others-Hon. Jerry Akporhor

Picture this: You’ve just started your teaching career, full of hope and energy. But soon, reality hits. An average teacher’s salary often feels like it’s barely enough to get by, leaving little to nothing to save.


Our take-homes sometimes don’t even reach the exit door of the banking hall, let alone make it home. For some, it’s a struggle to the point of living paycheck to paycheck. If your salary fails to come through, you’re left with two options—borrow or brace yourself for tough times.

Let me share a personal story. In my first year of teaching, I faced several salary cuts for various reasons. I know the feeling all too well. You plan your budget meticulously, waiting for that payday. But when it comes, you check your payslip and see a dreaded message: “NO PAYSLIP FOR THE SELECTED MONTH.”




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