
Former Ghana Education Service Director-General Advocates for Headteachers’ Voices


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Charles Aheto-Tsegah, a former Director-General of the Ghana Education Service (GES), has urged headteachers across the country to express their concerns and challenges openly. Speaking on Joy News’ Upfront, Aheto-Tsegah emphasized the significance of candid discussions in addressing the pressing issues facing Ghana’s education system. Historically, headteachers in Ghana have been hesitant to voice their concerns due to fear of repercussions, including transfers, reassignments, or unwarranted criticism. This culture of silence has contributed to the struggles within the education sector.

However, Aheto-Tsegah believes that the current leadership has fostered an environment conducive to open dialogue. He referenced the President’s assurances, which encourage headteachers to speak freely without fear of retribution. Aheto-Tsegah stressed that headteachers should raise their voices on critical issues, such as school funding and resource allocation, student welfare and academic progress, and effective school management and support systems. The former Director-General advised headteachers to seek support from relevant authorities to ensure effective school management, emphasizing the importance of proactive leadership in addressing challenges and improving the education sector.

With a renewed focus on honest dialogue and proactive leadership, Aheto-Tsegah expressed optimism that headteachers can play a pivotal role in transforming Ghana’s educational landscape. He concluded that speaking up is not just an option, but a necessity for the betterment of schools and students.

Source: GossipMotion.com

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