Entrance Exams to Replace BECE Once Free SHS Bill Is Passed – Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum
Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum Proposes Entrance Exams as New Assessment Standard with Free SHS Legislation

Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Ghana’s Minister for Education, has disclosed plans to eliminate the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for basic level students. Instead, students will undertake entrance examinations as a prerequisite for advancing to Senior High School (SHS). During an exclusive interview on GTV’s Breakfast Show on Thursday, August 8, 2024, Dr. Adutwum underscored the significance of completing Senior High School in the 21st century, noting that formal certification exams will henceforth be conducted at the SHS level, rather than at the Junior High level.Dr. Adutwum elaborated that the Free Secondary Education bill mandates government-funded resources to guarantee free, high-quality secondary education for all children. According to this bill, Junior High School will be reclassified as lower secondary education and will no longer be part of the basic education system, thereby establishing a six-year secondary education structure in Ghana.He pointed out that while lower secondary schools will function independently, they will provide learning opportunities equivalent to those offered by senior high schools.
Dr. Adutwum also indicated that making secondary education compulsory removes the necessity for the BECE as a certification exam.
In response to Africa Education Watch’s recommendation to incorporate a mandatory subject on basic practical agriculture into the SHS curriculum reform, Dr. Adutwum proposed that this could be integrated into the lower secondary curriculum. This would expose students to agriculture early on and allow them to decide whether to pursue it further in upper secondary education.
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